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Episode 077

September 9, 2020

Use your voice for better impact with Joep Hegger

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    We put so much emphasis on how we look and how we use body language to communicate with our audience that we often neglect to consider our voices. It’s not just about what we say, it’s how we say it.
    The way we execute our voices can really impact the audience. If used correctly, our voices can carry so much more than our words. Our voices can inspire, motivate, and captivate the audience… but how can we learn to use our voice for better impact?
    Joep Hegger is a remarkable voice coach who teaches us how our voice can be used to facilitate workshops along with us. He is passionate about helping others learn how to treat their voice with more care and leverage it with more power.

    Find out about

    • Why we need to consider how we use our voices and transform our voice to suit a particular occasion
    • How to identify a ‘pressed voice’ and the value of incorporating hearing exercises during voice training sessions
    • Tips to help train your voice and use your voice for better impact
    • What ‘vocal health’ is and why it is so important
    • How to gain better control and awareness of your voice
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    Questions and Answers


    What got you into the voice coach profession?


    What is the key struggle when we use our voice?


    Can you as a vocal coach read someone’s voice as others can read someone’s body language?


    What makes the difference in your effectiveness of communication?


    What is the circumstance where we have this ‘press voice’?


    What is your favourite exercise to help your clients?


    Can you deliver us a short story of numbers?


    When I want to be a convincing facilitator, what is it about the voice that adds the appearance of competence?


    Is our natural voice something we need to train to develop the best voice we can have?


    When you say, ‘vocal health’, what exactly do you mean?


    What can we do to avoid harming our voice health?


    Do you think it’s a matter of genetics or do you think that massaging the voice with the tube before, in the middle, or after the workshop will help?


    Is our voice better when we stand up?


    Would you advise a different tone of voice depending on whether you speak to an audience In the physical space as compared to through a microphone and a third screen?


    What is your advice on how to speak louder without getting higher pitched?


    What would you recommend to me as a podcaster? How can I use my voice differently?


    What tip do you have to help add emphasis to our voice?


    Why can we tell by someone’s voice whether they are smiling or not?


    What makes a workshop fail?


    What key lesson do you want listeners to take away from this episode?

    Connect to Joep

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