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With more than 7,000 monthly downloads, the workshops work podcast keeps inspiring facilitators of collaboration from all over the world.

Workshops’ magic ingredients

Each week, I introduce you to a new mentor who shares their magic ingredient to make workshop work. 
In our conversation, we discuss big ideas, explore complex questions, and get to the heart of what it means to facilitate collaboration.
To facilitate the navigation of more than 200 episodes, we designed an online podcast map for you to explore the content without feeling dizzy from scrolling. 
Click here to access the map.

Podcast Map

This dynamic map allows you to discover all episodes, clustered by categories. Try it out by clicking the map.

Don’t have time?

And, if you don’t have time to listen to all the conversations, the eBooks could be for you! You will get the highlights of 100 episodes at your fingertips - in a beautiful and printable design. Grab your copy of edition 1, and edition 2 now.