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Episode 268

May 8th, 2024

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Co-Facilitation

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    Have you ever found yourself stepping on a dance partner’s toes? That’s a bit what co-facilitation can feel like without the right rhythm and rapport. Together with Cate Czerwinski and Florentine Versteeg, felllow faculty members from our leadership through facilitation course and peers from the NeverDoneBefore community, we unpack the symphony of co-facilitation, from the powerful duets of mutual support and blending ideas to the occasional missteps of clashing perspectives. It’s more than just sharing a stage; it’s about creating a performance that uplifts every participant, and in this episode, we share the secrets to that perfect harmony.

    Navigating the dynamics between co-facilitators is akin to walking a tightrope, balancing offering support with giving space—no safety net included. We chat about the delicate intricacies of managing both our own and our fellow facilitator’s egos, all while keeping a keen eye on the emotional undercurrents of our live sessions. With candid anecdotes and a spotlight on the importance of psychological safety, we share how transparency and self-awareness can make or break the co-facilitation experience. Spoiler alert: It’s not always a walk in the park, but the insights we provide might just be your map through the woods.

    And what about when clients wear the facilitator hat, too? We delve into the diplomatic dance of respecting their insights without letting them lead the whole show. From setting clear boundaries pre-workshop to managing real-time shifts in the process, we reveal the strategies that keep the facilitator-client relationship in check, ensuring the spotlight remains on collective goals. Wrapping up, we exchange tips on time management and adapting facilitation styles for both in-person and online environments. Join us for an episode that promises to leave you with a playbook for co-facilitating like a pro, ready to choreograph your next workshop with confidence and ease.

    Find out about

    • The subtle nuances of co-facilitation dynamics
    • Balancing support and autonomy
    • Establishing boundaries with clients and co-facilitators
    • The art of time management
    • Strategies for both online and offline co-facilitation

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