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Episode 023

August 7, 2019

023 – Create FOMO for yourself: how to increase your workshop’s visibility – with May King Tsang

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    In this episode, I talk to May King Tsang, a social media FOMO (“fear of missing out”) creator and professional live tweeter: @MayKingTEA May King joined a live event I organised a day before recording the interview so that I could have first-hand insights on how she works and how FOMO works. In the show, we talk about how May King created visibility for a small and intimate event on social media.

    In the show, May King shares the steps she took to create visibility: before, during and even after the event. She explains the key differences between the major platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and how we can use the algorithms to our advantage.

    Don’t miss the part when May King explains why she doesn’t directly refer to the event she creates FOMO for in her very first social media posts. And what she did to help me to increase my number of followers on Instagram by 6% and by 35% on Twitter without me even using my phone.

    Don’t miss the next show: sign up to my newsletter and subscribe to the show through your podcast player.

    Feeling inspired by the conversation in this episode? We can have our own – take a seat at my virtual table as part of a Mastermind Group.

    A huge thank you must go to SessionLab, the sponsor of Workshops Work. Claim your free two months of SessionLab Pro now – this deal is exclusive to Workshops Work listeners!

    Questions and Answers

    2:00 If you had to choose a hashtag for yourself, what would it be?

    3:08 Can you tell us a little bit more about your story, making tea and making FOMO while making mistakes.

    6:05 What was your approach of creating pre-FOMO for the mastermind even?

    13:08 How can we protect us against being tagged without consent?

    13:49 We just covered the pre-FOMO strategy. What was then happening at the event itself?

    22:42 If we want to be more strategic, what would be the differences of the different approaches on the three different platforms being Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook?

    26:54 What is the ideal frequency of posting across platforms?

    29:32 Why was it important that you used my phone during the event to create FOMO?

    33:17 What is usually the result that you would hope for that you would bring forth?

    40:45 From your outside perspective, observing the events you create FOMO for: What makes a workshop or conference fail?

    47:09 How do you create post-FOMO? How can we keep the buzz alive after the event?

    52:09 What would you like a listener to remember from our interview?


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    Follow her on Twitter @MayKingTEA